Solve the Supernatural Mysteries of Spook Hill

Florida is internationally famous for… Unusual activities, shall we say. There’s a place in the Sunshine State, however, where motorcyclists can have a real run-in with the supernatural.
Or so it would seem, at least.
We’re talking about Spook Hill, where an unnatural force takes control of your motorcycle.
To reach this mysterious spot, you must first ride to Lake Wales, a small city in Florida’s lake region, almost smack-dab in the state’s geographical center. Once in town, make your way onto Lakeshore Blvd on the western shore of Lake Wales and take Wales Dr up north until you see the large Spook Hill sign.
Spook Hill is what is known as a gravity hill or a magnetic hill. If left in neutral, vehicles appear to start rolling up the hill.
Sorcery and witchcraft!
Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s all just an optical illusion. The area surrounding Spook Hill consists of sand and limestone hills that were islands in a shallow sea some three million years ago.