6 Spooky Motorcycle Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

Motorcycles are complex machines that require regular maintenance to continue operating properly. Over time, component wear can lead to various noises, each hinting at a specific issue. To many riders, these spooky noises may sound like the makings of a horror film.
No need to be scared, understanding these sounds can help you address potential problems before they escalate to something more serious. A skilled mechanic knows that one of the most important tools is a trained ear.
So, what should you listen for and what could cause these spooky noises? Here are six noises that could indicate your precious metal steed is ailing.
Squealing or Squeaking
If you notice a squealing or squeaking noise, particularly when applying the brakes, it could be a sign of worn-out brake pads. Regularly check your brake pads to make sure they still have enough pad material on them.
Should you run them down to the steel backings, they will start to destroy your rotors, which will be significantly more expensive to replace than the pads alone.